Hi, there
Welcome to my completely revamp web site. It was something long overdue. But I am into it now.
My topics of predilection
I am not sure how broad and deep this blog will go but there are a few things I am ready to embrace.
Photography and videos.
It has been a never ending passion from my age 14 and I am 60. The number of photos in my collection is astronomical. I share on Facebook and several Instagram dedicated to art and drone
Web editing
I have been fascinated by the possibilities of Internet to reach a very large audience. The first site I built is still alive and kicking : www.ragini-art.com and my new passion for choregraphy is expressed on www.shivdanstudio.com
Maps were an other obsession since I was 10. My life really changed when I got a demo version of MapInfo and a GPS. I have been mostly an autodidact but I finally got a master degree in GIS and environmental modelling.
Many of my years in Nepal were dedicated to building irrigation systems which are essentiel to paddy cropping
Yes, water access in countries like Nepal is not multiple taps in your home.
Safe drinking water is not universal despite the rhetoric.
A chance to understand the world and its complexity
I still wonder how to differentiate these two approaches to human experience. For me, there is a great overlap and often fusion. I will try to explain my position.
My special gift
How I finally found an efficient treatment for my ichthyosis